Bakery in Sobralinho

Lisboa, Vila Franca de Xira, Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho
Zone: Sobralinho (Sobralinho)
29 000€

  • Usable: 30m2
  • Floor: 33m2
  • C.E.: C
  • Year: 1981
  • Ref: 56424-MCAL61521


Multi-faceted Bakery business sale

Consisting of:

- Bakery and dry cakes
-food products
-Refrigeration of drinks and related products
-Ice cream cabinet

This business has been in operation for 30 years, and is already well integrated in the population of the village of Sobralinho.
In an area of great pedestrian passage and with parking right in front and nearby.
You can also make it more dynamic by placing other products that are food, making a more comprehensive wine cellar, putting gourmet products for example.
It is a lease that includes all the equipment exposed and that is described in a list for consultation.
Business very well organized and structured as well as all remodeled a few years ago and impeccably presented.


  • Air Conditioning
  • TV
  • Piped Water
  • Fire Detectors
  • Exterior Views
Sara Vasconcelos
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